Strawberry Park RV Resort Good Sam Verified Campground
42 Pierce Rd., Preston, CT 06365

42 Pierce Rd.
Preston, CT, 06365
41.536564, -71.954636
Open May 23 - October 14
Cards Accepted
Tenting Sites
(within 10 miles)
Military Discount
Rented site 299 for 3 nights with an additional $35 a night for sewer hookup. Sewer hook-up was full, park refused to refund difference. Very unprofessional staff. Human waste on ground by hook-up. Site was not checked prior to check-in. Campers beware of rip-off
Rented site 299 for 3 nights with an additional $35 a night for sewer hookup. Sewer hook-up was full, park refused to refund difference. Very unprofessional staff. Human waste on ground by hook-up. Site was not checked prior to check-in. Campers beware of rip-off
42 Pierce Rd., Preston, CT 06365
Coordinates: 41.536564, -71.954636
From Jct of Hwy 164 & Hwy 165, E 1 mi on Hwy 165 to Pierce Rd, N 0.5 mi (R)