Yellowstone/Madison Good Sam Verified Campground

1 Grand Loop Rd, Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190

Good Sam Verified Campground
(1 review) 4 out of 5 stars from 1 review
(1 review) 4 out of 5 stars from 1 review
Placeholder image for Yellowstone/Madison


1 Grand Loop Rd
Yellowstone National Park, WY, 82190

44.646400, -110.858560
6,800 ft (2,073 m)

Open April 27 - October 14


Cards Accepted

Debit accepted at this location Discover accepted at this location Visa accepted at this location Mastercard accepted at this location Amex accepted at this location


Type: National Park
Partial Handicap Access



Pets welcome
Day Max Stay (14)
Tents Allowed
Spaces available: 149
Paved sites: 149
Back-in size: 12 x 35
Room for slideouts: Yes

Fire rings

Body of water: Madison River

4 (1 review) 4 out of 5 stars from 1 review
What is being rated?
4 4 out of 5 stars 08/29/2020

This is a no-hookup site inside the Yellowstone park. We found the sacrifice to be worth it. The campsites were quite large, and being in the park made it really easy to get to key sites early before the crowds arrived. They have a nice dump station, so if you need to dump or fill the water tank you can. We are really glad we stayed in the park instead of driving out to a campground.

4 4 out of 5 stars 08/29/2020

This is a no-hookup site inside the Yellowstone park. We found the sacrifice to be worth it. The campsites were quite large, and being in the park made it really easy to get to key sites early before the crowds arrived. They have a nice dump station, so if you need to dump or fill the water tank you can. We are really glad we stayed in the park instead of driving out to a campground.

1 Grand Loop Rd, Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190
Coordinates: 44.646400, -110.858560
Elevation: 6800

From Jct of Hwys 20 & 191 (W entrance), E 14 mi on Hwy 20, follow signs (L)

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