Mexico - Baja

At the southernmost tip of California lies a gateway to another world, a land rich with culture, music, fine food, and plenty of opportunity for fun in the sun. This exotic land is just a step over the border, in Baja, Mexico. Prepare to be amazed by the lush, sub-tropical beauty to be found down here. Once we get to La Paz, we should take the opportunity to pull over and get in some scuba diving or sport fishing; La Paz is widely known as one of the best spots to catch marlin, rockfish and sea bass, just check local fishing tables to see when the best season is to catch what you’re looking for.
A quick trip south on Highway 19 brings us into Todos Santos, which draws tourists to the fine surfing to be found off the shores, as well as the many art galleries along the back walk. There are miles of unspoiled, nearly deserted beaches from which to enjoy a glass of wine and a world-class sunset. Todos Santos remains a largely undiscovered oasis that’s a whole world away from the fast pace of city life.
A few short miles further south on Highway 19 takes us to Cabo San Lucas, which is one of the premier tourist hot spots in Baja. Despite the influx of visitors, Cabo retains a small-town feel. Locals maintain a slow-growth policy, unwilling to spoil the natural beauty that surrounds the city. Among the incredible sights is an underwater nature preserve that rests just a short boat ride outside the harbor, and has another nature preserve within its city limits. This is a place you’ll find difficult to leave when the time comes.
When the time does come, we leave via Highway 1 and drive a few miles into San Jose del Cabo, which has something of a fantasyland quality to it, as though it was designed by Disney. Old Spanish courtyards and secret plazas host music in the evening and art shows by day; there are many shops and fine restaurants featuring so much authentic Mexican food, you’ll need to walk through the villas to exercise some of it off!
A few miles up Highway 1 brings us to Los Barriles, which offers many opportunities to pull over and set up camp. The town features golf, miles of white sandy beaches and a breathtaking view of the Sea of Cortez. Heading back towards the border, we bring our cruise through Baja to a close by driving up the 1 back to La Paz. No doubt, we’ll want to come back next year to enjoy the sand, surf, and sunshine!