One Tank Trip for Tennessee Camping

One thing you’ll notice about Tennessee is its incredible diversity. Visitors have a wide range of activities to choose from, such as camping, or hiking through winding mountain trails, complete with eye-popping views and spectacular waterfalls. Maybe you’d like to explore the state’s history by touring some of the state’s historic sites: believe me, you’ve got quite a few to pick from. Tennessee is widely known as being the home of country music, with Nashville serving as the country music capitol of the world. Add to that a wide range of outdoor adventure, festivals and attractions, and you’ve found a destination spot that’ll keep you interested year after year. If you are looking to take a quick weekend getaway, you might want to stop along these historic locations & attractions on your one tank trips journey and enjoy the scenic Tennessee camping and beautiful outdoors.
Let’s start off in Pigeon Forge, which is a very popular destination for music lovers from all over the world – in fact, it’s the second-most visited tourist attraction in Tennessee. I’ll leave you to guess what the other one is. (Hint: wear your blue suede shoes). As it turns out, Pigeon Forge is the home of world-famous country star Dolly Parton, who grew up here and has made it the home of Dollywood, an amusement park with a wide variety of rides and amusements appealing to visitors of all ages. Attractions include a music performance theater and a museum filled with items owned and used by the country legend herself.
Traveling south for 7 miles on the US-441 brings you to Gatlinburg, which rests smack-dab in the center of the Great Smoky Mountains. This is without question some of the most beautiful scenery to be found anywhere on planet earth. When you breathe that crisp, clean air and notice the cool stream water that’s so clear it looks like liquid crystal, you’ll think you’ve found an undiscovered piece of Paradise right here. You’ll want to make camp at the Great Smoky Mountain National park for a few days, so be sure to factor that into your time budget.
When you decide it’s time to investigate the next stop, Sevierville lies 10 miles away via the US-441-N. This is an optimal spot to get in some horseback riding, or maybe rent a kayak and cruise out onto the lake. In fact, the best way you experience Sevierville is by wrapping yourself in its natural wonders. Explore the caves nestled under the foothills of the Smoky Mountains and discover a whole new world of adventure. There are several opportunities for hiking, fishing and canoeing, outdoor pastimes are not all there is to do here. There’s a lot of interest in the NASCAR circuit in this neck of the woods, as evidenced by the various shops and museums dedicated to stock car racing. You’ll also find a wide array of arts and crafts shops, including a vast supply of scrapbooking materials. The local outlet center is a one-stop shopping experience that provides everything from clothing to camping supplies.
An 8-mile hop on the northbound TN-66 connects you with the I-40-E, which you’ll stay on for 14 miles until you merge with the I-81-N that takes you 75 miles to your next port of call, Bristol. You’ll find that this is another destination spot for the racing fan, being the home of Bristol Speedway, also known as “Thunder Valley”. It plays host to NASCAR and NHRA events, as well as its own series of events, some of which match up races between street-legal vehicles. While you’re in the area, you’ll want to check out the Davy Crockett Museum, and if you’re feeling particularly brave, take a whitewater rafting tour down the nearby Ocoee River. Don’t worry, it only looks dangerous: your experienced guides will take you downriver with all the fun and excitement and get you back to shore safe and sound…but probably more than a little soaked.
From Bristol, it’s about 75 miles south on the I-81 before you come to the westbound I-40, which you’ll stay on for 14 miles until you merge with the TN-66-S. Nine more miles and you’re back to Pigeon Forge, right where you started. And you know you want to ride that coaster at Dollywood just one more time, don’t you?
This article was only one of many other exciting one tank trips also found in Woodall's 2010 North American Campground Directory. Enjoy an eventful weekend getaway of Tennessee camping and experience it all on just one tank of gas. Woodall's Recommended Tennessee RV Campgrounds