One Tank Trip for Rhode Island Camping

Rhode Island might be the smallest state in the Union, but it’s packed to the borders with three states worth of fun and exciting things to do. You can hop back and forth among the state’s surrounding islands, or stay land-locked and still have a great time. The Ocean State offers visitors a choice between kicking back and enjoying a slow, leisurely pace or taking part in more active pursuits such as kayaking, windsurfing, or deep-sea fishing. You make the choice: Rhode Island makes it happen. Rhode Island is a great quick weekend getaway. You might want to stop along these locations & attractions on your one tank trips journey through the small but beautiful and exciting state.
The trip begins in the town of Wakefield which offers ample opportunities to increase your knowledge with a number of local historical and maritime museums, along with a few family-run farms where you can stop by and pick up local produce right off the branch. Book a day cruise and go whale watching off the coast, or hop a ferry over to Block Island, where you can walk along miles upon miles of unspoiled beach, or take a tour of the lighthouses that stand sentry at various points on the island. Lighthouse aficionados will also want to take a quick hop down to Narragansett and visit the Point Judith lighthouse, which was originally constructed in 1810, but has since been rebuilt over the years. Its current incarnation was built in the mid-1800s, and proudly stands at just over 50 feet in height. A recent restoration has ensured that the Point Judith lighthouse will be there to welcome visitors and safeguard ships for at least another century.
Take Highway 1 for 3 miles until you connect with the westbound RI-138, which you’ll stay on for almost 15 miles until you come into the town of Hope Valley. This sleepy hamlet serves as a addition to your trip to enjoy Rhode Island camping,with several campsites and also has many memorials dedicated to the Native Americans who once occupied these lands. It’s a short drive to the beach, so if you’re looking to take a dip in the ocean, or maybe enjoy a beachside barbecue, make Hope Valley a must-stop destination.
Proceeding north on the I-95, a 7-mile drive takes you to the northbound RI-102, which you’ll stay on the remaining 14 miles into Foster. This is where you’ll find Jerimoth Hill, whose 812-foot peak is the highest point in all of Rhode Island. Brown University has maintained an observatory on Jerimoth Hill for several decades, however, the area is open to visitors only on weekends, but is well worth investigating.
Time has stood still for the small town of Harmony, which is positioned north of Foster. A 4-mile drive on the RI-102 leads you to the eastbound US-44, which runs another 4 miles before bringing you into Harmony. Many of the original buildings still stand in this quiet burg, including the Harmony Chapel and Cemetery, established in 1816. There are several fine places to eat in the vicinity, and ample opportunity to play a quick nine on any of the local golf courses.
Your final stop of Greenville is a quick eastbound drive for 2 miles on the RI-44. Like much of the state, it boasts plenty of parks and wide open spaces for outdoor enjoyment, and the nearby Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge provides you with the chance to sit and relax to the sounds of birds and other critters in their habitat. This is a place to rebalance the soul and gain that inner serenity you might be looking for.
This trip through Rhode Island will provide you with positive evidence that good things really do come in small packages.
This article was only one of many other exciting one tank trips also found in Woodall's 2010 North American Campground Directory. Enjoy an eventful weekend getaway of Rhode Island camping and experience it all on just one tank of gas. Woodall's Recommended Rhode Island RV Campgrounds