One Tank Trip for Alabama Camping

Whether you’re a first-time traveler or a long-time local resident, Alabama has many points of interest for you to investigate on a leisurely road trip. Steeped in history, Alabama served as the focal point for many events that helped shape our nation into what it is today, including the founding of the Confederacy, and nearly a century later, the beginning of the civil rights movement. Four major rivers flow through the Yellowhammer State, including the Tennessee River, the Chattahoochee, the Tombigbee and of course, the Alabama River. There are five major lakes as well, leaving the outdoor enthusiast with no shortage of places to set up camp and enjoy the wonders of Mother Nature. If you are looking to take a quick weekend getaway, you might want to stop along these historic locations & attractions on your one tank trips journey through Alabama.
With all this to pick from, finding a place to start can be challenging. As the largest city in the state, Birmingham seems like a good choice to begin the trip. This busy metropolitan area boasts a wealth of shopping opportunities, along with museums and RV parks to pull in and enjoy some southern Alabama camping and spend some time exploring. For the amusement park lover, Magic Adventure Theme Park is a must-see: There are over 20 rides that cross the entire thrill-seeking spectrum, from the tame to the out-of-control. Two of the most intense roller coasters in our nation are to be found here; one is in a classic wooden style, while the other is a more high-tech steel coaster. Adrenaline-seeking riders of both coasters are hard pressed to choose a favorite, as both of them get the heart racing and the blood pumping.
If you haven’t had your fill of thrills and spills, an optional side trip takes you east on the I-20 for 42 miles, where you’ll merge with the southbound AL-77 for 11 miles which takes you to Talladega, home of the Talladega Super Speedway. For the racing fan, Talladega is the holy grail of racetracks. The track itself is nearly 3 miles long, and is set in the center of a massive 3000-acre facility that can accommodate 150,000 people. Talladega hosts five NASCAR shows a year, so time your visit right and get in on the action that’s roaring past you at 200 miles an hour. Even if you’re not a racing fan, you may become one after a visit to the Talladega Superspeedway.
If you decide not to visit the racetrack, Montgomery is a straight shot from Birmingham, about 80 miles on the southbound I-65. Not only is Montgomery the capitol of Alabama, it has been the site of some of the most important events in our nation’s history. The Confederate States of America were founded in Montgomery in 1861, and the city served as this new nation’s capitol. Less than a century later, Montgomery was the focal point for several key episodes in the Civil Rights Movement, including the bus boycott in the mid-50s, and the famous “freedom march” from Selma to Montgomery in 1965.
Today, several monuments to Montgomery’s historical contributions still stand. One of the most interesting is the state capitol building, where Jefferson Davis was sworn in as the Confederate president. You can see where it took place, as a brass six-pointed star set into the floor marks the spot. Also, the first White House of the Confederacy makes for a fascinating visit by Civil War buffs and is open Monday through Friday. For those interested in the city’s more recent history, the Rosa Parks Library and Museum is filled with interactive displays that showcase the events that changed our country’s views on civil rights. Encompassing more than 7,000 square feet, this impressive museum contains permanent and traveling exhibits, as well as a 100-seat theater, all devoted to enlightenment and education.
Heading north from Montgomery via the I-85, a 50-mile cruise brings us to the city of Auburn, home of the prestigious Auburn University. This college was established in 1859, and serves as an enticing place to walk around and see some of the best examples of mid-19th century architecture. For the football fan, see if you can get your trip to coincide with college football season and treat yourselves to a game.
Anniston lies just over 70 miles to the north, accessed by the US-431. This small town makes for a quiet getaway; with a population of only 25,000, you’ll certainly be able to enjoy the peace and tranquility that is offered. While you’re here, take a walking tour and see the pristine Victorian houses that still stand. Anniston has its own Museum of Natural History and is the home of the Alabama Symphony Orchestra (for those seeking more cultural entertainments). For the nature lover, don’t miss the natural wildlife refuge, where you’ll see all kinds of local bird, mammal and reptile life in a protected environment.
When it’s time to head back, the westbound I-20 takes you the 50 miles back to your starting point of Birmingham. But let’s face it…what’s the hurry?
This article was only one of many other exciting one tank trips also found in Woodall's 2010 North American Campground Directory. Enjoy an eventful weekend getaway of Alabama camping and experience it all on just one tank of gas. Woodall's Recommended Alabama RV Campgrounds